hello sunshine
så otroligt chill att ligga i min blå soffa. Ligger och skriver på en låt till min o Bjoerns ghetto tech punk projekt, äter frukost och få betalt för att ligga här. Jag älskar fan mitt liv.
Den här helgen har varit så grym, torsdag-söndag har det bara varit så sjukt kul.. Vi har faktiskt festat ihjäl oss till 06.00 på Berns, Riche.. O East i söndags med Tilly och Janina..
Efterfesten i fredags som slutade där jag aldrig i min vildaste fantasi kunnat tro att den skulle sluta.......
Nu ska jag ner på stan.
505 med Arctic Monkeys är bäst bäst bäst bäst o jag spelar den på repeat. Simplaste melodin och ackordföljden. Men. JAG ÄLSKAR FAN DEN! Nu ska jag hänga med Red, min rödhåriga vckra älskling. men först måste jag panta alla 1000 flaskor.
Den här helgen har varit så grym, torsdag-söndag har det bara varit så sjukt kul.. Vi har faktiskt festat ihjäl oss till 06.00 på Berns, Riche.. O East i söndags med Tilly och Janina..
Efterfesten i fredags som slutade där jag aldrig i min vildaste fantasi kunnat tro att den skulle sluta.......
Nu ska jag ner på stan.
505 med Arctic Monkeys är bäst bäst bäst bäst o jag spelar den på repeat. Simplaste melodin och ackordföljden. Men. JAG ÄLSKAR FAN DEN! Nu ska jag hänga med Red, min rödhåriga vckra älskling. men först måste jag panta alla 1000 flaskor.
how could i ever
believe in you. How could I ever? After everything you have done to me before, why did I believe in you this time? Its so blurry, my reason for it. Cuz the thing is that I dont love you anymore. I dont feel anything for you. I dont care about you anymore. I dont care. Its to late now. I dont want you to be a part of my life, and i am not sad over it. I am just over you..

I dont.
how could i ever
believe in you. How could I ever? After everything you have done to me before, why did I believe in you this time? Its so blurry, my reason for it. Cuz the thing is that I dont love you anymore. I dont feel anything for you. I dont care about you anymore. I dont care. Its to late now. I dont want you to be a part of my life, and i am not sad over it. I am just over you..

I dont.
to be, or to be somewhere else. Thats the question..
Theres no better way just now for me than believe in you.

I have made my desicion.
Life is about desicions.
I dont care what They say you know, I. dont. Care.

I have made my decision.
When will you make yours?

Hälsa på mina katter.
this house is full of secrets.

to me, you are strange and you´re beautiful. but still you´re closed, you are
strange and unkind.
You can make me the most happy person i could ever be. As I can never be as sad as when you hurt me. When I cry because of you is the only way to stop cry, exhaustion. I will go to sleep without even knowing how or when.
You are so beautiful it hurts.
when i look into your eyes i lose control. My wall my shell it falls like a puzzel. You know, when i loved you the most, I couldnt breathe i couldnt sleep I couldnt be awake.
Why did you have to be that person. Why is it even possible to love someone when love isnt enough. How can you love someone so deep, with your heart and you soul, your hand, toes, stomach, your passion, your person, and the one you give your all to, isnt there to catch it . To catch you, to accept you, to hold you, to carry you, or love you back, ever,
with the same unconditional love that you feel like you need to throw up otherwise you will die a painful death. But it need to be used. All that incredibly strange and beautiful..
In the end its sad. Its fucking miserable. cuz it feels like everythings been a waste. All the energy all the love. Its not there anymore. Its gone.
Where is it? who has it? what part of this earth has taken it? cuz its not gone in the fire, it cant be?
But will it ever be possible to have that again. That strong love for someone else.
It feels like you have dried up my heart. My lunchsack feels so heavy I have a hardtime breathing. I feel empty, hopeless, alone, tired. Fucking tired and empty. So why do I feel this way when I cant find a good reason to it.
strange and unkind.
You can make me the most happy person i could ever be. As I can never be as sad as when you hurt me. When I cry because of you is the only way to stop cry, exhaustion. I will go to sleep without even knowing how or when.
You are so beautiful it hurts.
when i look into your eyes i lose control. My wall my shell it falls like a puzzel. You know, when i loved you the most, I couldnt breathe i couldnt sleep I couldnt be awake.
Why did you have to be that person. Why is it even possible to love someone when love isnt enough. How can you love someone so deep, with your heart and you soul, your hand, toes, stomach, your passion, your person, and the one you give your all to, isnt there to catch it . To catch you, to accept you, to hold you, to carry you, or love you back, ever,
with the same unconditional love that you feel like you need to throw up otherwise you will die a painful death. But it need to be used. All that incredibly strange and beautiful..
In the end its sad. Its fucking miserable. cuz it feels like everythings been a waste. All the energy all the love. Its not there anymore. Its gone.
Where is it? who has it? what part of this earth has taken it? cuz its not gone in the fire, it cant be?
But will it ever be possible to have that again. That strong love for someone else.
It feels like you have dried up my heart. My lunchsack feels so heavy I have a hardtime breathing. I feel empty, hopeless, alone, tired. Fucking tired and empty. So why do I feel this way when I cant find a good reason to it.