Its all just such a mess. But i dont know what´s exactly causing it.

So how do you solve a problem then. If the problem even is abstract in your own mind.
Rules for a perfect life. I was thinking about them today.
So. If, lets say, I know the secret key to live a perfect life. Why is it then that I dont Do what I want? Why dont I?
I need the answer to this. WHo to ask but myself? I have all the answers already. But I dont live after them. So what I actually need I guess... is the key to open up the way to live them!
Why am I writing in english? That´s also a thing. Speaking about emotions this straight forward? Nope. Don´t think so.
Can´t do that.
Its easier to use another way.. Whatever that way could be. Today it had to be the foreign language way.
Tomorrow it could be not speaking at all but keep it all in my head until my head start´s burning.
