coming back to haunt
but it was not your fault but mine
and it was your heart on the line
I really fucked it up this time
didn't I, my dear?
fourteen hours of work, four hours of trying to sleep, fourteen hours of work and now five hours of dozing awaits. Hopefully i will get some sleep since im so brutally deprived after today. Tomorrow im going again.
It is good. I like my job. I know i will be a better person and better at what i do and i will in the end be rewared for all the wear and tear. And so on.
But its in this state of mind, when im inbetween dreams, that i really feel whats me. What is the real Leo.
Because i have no time to re-think things over. No time for analyzing.
Its just guts.
And guts is what i have been looking for everywhere.
Its in your stomach. Everything is.
Thats the only thing you can trust. Not your heart or your brain..
Now i need to doze off in my bed.
I just took a boiling hot bath and if it should be of any use i need to hurry up before i rise again.
sleep well people.
/lots of love from Leo

and it was your heart on the line
I really fucked it up this time
didn't I, my dear?
fourteen hours of work, four hours of trying to sleep, fourteen hours of work and now five hours of dozing awaits. Hopefully i will get some sleep since im so brutally deprived after today. Tomorrow im going again.
It is good. I like my job. I know i will be a better person and better at what i do and i will in the end be rewared for all the wear and tear. And so on.
But its in this state of mind, when im inbetween dreams, that i really feel whats me. What is the real Leo.
Because i have no time to re-think things over. No time for analyzing.
Its just guts.
And guts is what i have been looking for everywhere.
Its in your stomach. Everything is.
Thats the only thing you can trust. Not your heart or your brain..
Now i need to doze off in my bed.
I just took a boiling hot bath and if it should be of any use i need to hurry up before i rise again.
sleep well people.
/lots of love from Leo
